This qualitative investigation was guided by the desire to know how topics of gender and sexuality are included in the preparation of secondary teachers in an online mathematics teaching major at a university in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The investigation focused on the initial preparation of these prospective teachers to properly deal with issues of gender and sexual diversity, and sought to delineate the conceptual aspects of gender and sexuality present in the pedagogical project of program, identifying moments and spaces for such preparation. The investigation was carried out through documentary analysis based on hermeneutics. The data analyzed in this study were the prescribed and intended curricula regulating and guiding the program, including deliberations, national curriculum guidelines, the university's institutional development plan, the course's pedagogical policy project and internship regulations. The theme appears in the curricular documents in a timid and discreet way, without conceptual support. The hermeneutic analysis of these documents allowed us to design possibilities for the inclusion of gender and sexual diversity in the investigated program. The study makes evident the need for further research on the preparation of mathematics teachers to properly address issues of gender and sexual diversity in mathematics classrooms.
Martins, I. M., Gonçalves, H. J. L., & Dias, A. L. B. (2021). Beyond appearances: Configurations of gender and sexuality in the curriculum of a secondary teaching major. Revista Enfoques Educacionales, 18, pp. 123–143.