Sustainable development in the tourism businesses, viewed from the Emotional Intelligence perspective



Emotional Intelligence applied to leadership styles when directing tourism businesses offers opportunities to achieve that much-desired sustainable development. The article's purpose is to determine the impact of leadership on work teams applying Reuven Bar-On’s Emotional Intelligence model (1997) as a strategy for achieving sustainable development in the tourism business. Research uses a quantitative and correlational approach methodology combined with the factorial analysis of components obtained from in-depth interviews with workers in the tourist area of Cancun, Quintana Roo. The findings are presented through a comparison of the proposals of specialized literature with those implemented in the survey, where the direct relationship of the motivators emphasizes the characteristics of the leader’s use of Emotional Intelligence. The article concludes that interpersonal relationships, achieved with the help of empathic management, favor and contribute to the sustainable development of the tourism business.


Sustainable Development, Leadership, Tourism Business, Emotional Intelligence


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