The return to face-to-face classes, post-quarantine due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, exposed that in Chile it is necessary to promote a comprehensive educational paradigm focused on the management of emotions, both for students and teachers. The latter being akey factor to promote this kind of intelligence. The general objective of this article is to analyze how a public university in the country is solving the need of formation in emotional intelligence for their students of Spanish Pedagogy Degree. The methodology used was a qualitative approach with the purpose of unveiling the meaning and significance the study subjects-students and graduates-attribute to their emotional intelligence formation. Through the use of semi-structured interviews and the revision of official University documents, the necessary data was collected in order to be analyzed from four categories and subcategories that were designed from the general objective. The results showed a scarce and indirect formation in emotional intelligence. The curriculum lacks formation in this area and the courses do not enable the pedagogical bonds that are necessary for practical experiences and only focus on disciplinary and academic training.