Can the School Correct Social Inequities? Contributions for a Broad Understanding of the Inequality Phenomenon


  • Rodrigo Meza Aliaga Ilustre Municipalidad de Recoleta


The inequality of the social system has profound repercussions in all areas of life, generating socioeconomic, cultural, educational inequities, etc. One of the most affected areas is education, a plan that in turn feeds back on the social system as a whole, producing more inequality. The explanation for this fact lies in a series of mechanisms that this research attempts to reveal. The differences of Cultural Capital, the use of the Linguistic Codes, the imposition and selection of contents in the format of Symbolic Violence, plus the hegemony in the educational plane of the notion of meritocracy, configure the ideal panorama to generate from education, inequalities linked ultimately to class membership, differences that in turn end up affecting society as a whole. From the perspective of different authors, this research aims to contribute to a more complete understanding of the problem, and to make a proposal for compensatory education.


Cultural capital, linguistic code, symbolic violence, meritocracy, inequity