Paulo Freire and the Politicis of Critical Pedagogy: A Legacy for Struggle



Freire is one of the few writers whose body of work transcends the historical moment in which his contributions first appeared. His work reaches beyond its time and translates with even more power and relevance for addressing the future. His legacy at the present moment is prophetic and invaluable for navigating a dark time in history, a time that points to a mix of hope and despair. The intersecting crises of economics, health, climate change, politics, racism, and democracy appear apocalyptic, especially with the rise of far-right and updated versions of fascist politics emerging across the globe. What role might Paulo Freire’s pedagogy and politics of hope have at a time when in the midst of a global pandemic it has become increasingly difficult “not to feel that something—perhaps the world—is ending, as we struggle to comprehend unprecedented disruptions to our social orders and personal lives?”


Critical pedagogy, Politics of hope, crisis