The article shows the results of a research on Citizen Formation in the school, within the frame of the initiative Bicentenary Project of Universidad de Chile. The purpose of the investigation was to apprehend what significations are assumed by the different actors of the educational community concerning what are an adequate citizenship formation, and the kind of citizen that the school actually forms. The methodology was both qualitative and phenomenological. The sample was of the structural type, made up of three groups: school principals, teachers and students, whose data were assembled by focal groups. The results obtained suggest that the school presents serious shortcomings in its process of citizen formation, and different and opposite views are detected as to how the different actors understand the concepts Politics, Citizenship, Authority and Participation. From their discourses it be established that the typo of citizen the school forms is far removed from the integral, critical and reflexive citizen it purports to form.
Peña Bustos, M. (2020). School, politics and citizenship: Meanings that give managers, teachers and students to the citizenship formation in a public highschool in Santiago. Revista Enfoques Educacionales, 14(1), 133–158. Retrieved from