Education and Community Building: Case study about the meaning given to education both adults students and teachers in a community educational project, from Villa Valle Verde, Maipú
Daniela Gacitúa Solorza
Especialista en Currículum y Comunidad Educativa. Profesional de la Coordinación Nacional de EPJA, MINEDUC
This qualitative research reflects the experience of Valle Verde people, who develop a self-managed Educational Project. Placing the problem in a context of economic inequality in Chile, in a specular relationship with the educational inequity, which can be translated into a divided education: one for the poor and another one for the rich, making way for thinking about the link between poor education people and adult education. In order to know the meaning of education for the community and their representations about the educational system, I used the grounded theory an hermeneutical interpretive approach, highlighting as main finding, the emergence of a new link between the project participants, conceptualized as tie neighbours-mates, relieving the sense of community practice.
Gacitúa Solorza, D. (2016). Education and Community Building: Case study about the meaning given to education both adults students and teachers in a community educational project, from Villa Valle Verde, Maipú. Revista Enfoques Educacionales, 13(1), pp. 131–157. Retrieved from