BKLAB: A cutting-edge strategy and new business


  • Livio Barnafi Retamal Universidad de Chile
  • Felix Lizama Garrido Universidad de Chile
  • Diego Lopez Lopez Universidad de Chile
  • Ismael Oliva Becerra Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad de Chile


Livio Barnafi Krause, pharmaceutical chemist and Business Manager at Laboratorio Barnafi Krause (BKlab) was in his office one morning in December 2018 preparing for the Board meeting he would be attending that afternoon. He was reminded of the call he had received in March of that same year that had opened in his mind the prospect of new business opportunities for the company, opportunities that the Board of Directors would be voting on at that meeting in December 2018. The call had come from a representative of the hospital of a health foundation belonging to a large copper mining company in Chile, who had asked him whether BKlab was in a position to become their provider of blood analysis services, specifically to detect the presence of heavy metals. The mining company representative said he was calling because of BKlab’s prestige built thanks to its years of experience in the market. His main concern was that current legislation required that the laboratory complete and return the analysis of arsenic in the blood of the workers in less than 24 hours. The laboratory that was attending the company at the time took 45 days to deliver the results. Mr. Barnafi thought about what would happen if they decided to invest in this new business. He was confident of the economic strength of his company and that they had the resources available, but over and above these considerations, he thought about how this new business could add value to the Laboratory’s other businesses. As he faced his Board meeting, he knew he had to be prepared to answer the following question: Was it a good idea to enter the heavy-metal testing business?


Strategy, Diversification, Business Model, New Business Opportunities


BKlab (2020a). Misión y Visión BKlab. https://www.BKlab.cl/mision-y-vision/

BKlab (2020b). Certificación ISO http://BKlab.cl/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/CCF_000016.pdf

BKlab (2020c). Acreditación de calidad BKlab. http://BKlab.cl/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/CCF_000016.pdf

Superintendencia de Salud (2019). Estándar para laboratorios clínicos. Superintendencia de salud. http://www.supersalud.gob.cl/observatorio/671/articles-4530_manual_LC_pdf.pdf

Superintendencia de Salud (2021) Acreditaciones de calidad BKlab. http://www.supersalud.gob.cl/acreditacion/673/w3-article-17318.html#accordion_2

Superintendencia de Salud (mayo de 2020). Laboratorios clínicos. Superintendencia de salud. http://www.supersalud.gob.cl/acreditacion/673/w3-propertyvalue-4258.html#accordion_3