
This section publishes information about the details for submission of articles, the journal launch and other relevant news. 

Use of lethal police force: International standards and their influences in Chile


  • Angélica del Pilar Torres Figueroa Universidad Diego Portales


The article reviews international standards for the use of lethal police force, considering the provisions of the United Nations, the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights. The analysis considers general aspects on the use of lethal police force, criteria for arrests and criteria for protests. Subsequently, the influence of these standards on the regulations applicable to the use of lethal police force is reviewed, as well as some jurisprudential pronouncements that refer to individual actions of police officers who have used lethal police force in arrests and protests, illustrative of the lines followed by the highest national courts on the matter. Finally, an assessment of the national situation is made, in comparison with the international standards analyzed.


Arrests, Protests, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, European Court of Human Rights

Author Biography

Angélica del Pilar Torres Figueroa, Universidad Diego Portales

Angélica del Pilar Torres Figueroa es abogada. Licenciada en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad de Chile. Magíster en Derecho, mención Derecho Penal de la Universidad de Chile. Máster en Derecho Penal de la Universidad de Sevilla, España. Diplomada en Derechos Humanos por la Universidad de Chile y en Litigación Adversarial por la Universidad Diego Portales, Chile. Candidata a doctora en Derecho de la Universidad Diego Portales. Profesora a tiempo parcial de Derecho Penal en la Universidad Diego Portales.